A new completely rewritten version of the original shiva dx cluster
Shiva2 DX Cluster connects to a “classic” ham radio dx cluster and repeat the dx spot to shiva2 clients while adding other spots based on HFCC data files and Priyom.org number station schedules.
It is intended to use with SDR Console for SWL/BCL so they are able to see broadcasting stations, for example, based on scheduling day and time, spots of ham radio operators, fixed markers about CB or PRM channels, or hf beacons, number stations based on their schedule and so on. Priyom.org number stations are sent for 1 hour since the start of transmission.
See how it works on
SDR Console :
Check my github page here:
If you want to access my shiva cluster already running h24,
please contact me commenting below or with contact form here in the right
I will give you user and password if:
- you contribute to this project improving the code
- you contribute in another way like sending me a list or improving documentation or something like
- you send me little money via paypal to help to cover my server costs
If you want to access my shiva cluster already running h24,
please contact me commenting below or with contact form here in the right
I will give you user and password if:
- you contribute to this project improving the code
- you contribute in another way like sending me a list or improving documentation or something like
- you send me little money via paypal to help to cover my server costs
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