mercoledì 3 giugno 2020

Shiva DX Cluster for SWL / BCL

Check new version here:
connects to a ham radio dx cluster and repeat the dx spot to shiva clients,
download number station schedules
and adds spots based on list files.
It doesn't send to ham radio dx cluster any spot nor it can receive any spot.
It is intended to use with SDR Console for SWL/BCL
so they are able to see broadcasting stations (for example) based on scheduling day and time.
Ham radio dx cluster spots are repeated to shiva clients immediately,
broadcasting stations and other lists are sent to shiva clients every 10 minutes (default,configurable).
Number stations are spotted for one hour since start of transmission.

See how it works on SDR Console :

Check my GitHub page:

Check new version here:

If you want to access my shiva cluster already running h24,
please contact me commenting below or with contact form here in the right
I will give you user and password if:

- you contribute to this project improving the code
- you contribute in another way like sending me a list or improving documentation or something like 
- you send me little money via paypal to help to cover my server costs

giovedì 30 aprile 2020

Learning CW - straight key usb interface


I'm starting to learn CW with my father old straigth key,
to do so I have taken an usb mouse and soldered the electrical contacts of the Morse key to the mouse left button switch:

then connect our "usb morse key" to a pc and download Morse Learner or any similar software you like and configure it to take as input left mouse clicks:

venerdì 24 gennaio 2020

Kenwood TS-480 SAT panadapter interface - part 2

We will see how to configure sdr-console ( but the same can be done with other similar softwares ) to create a panadapter interface.
First follow this article : Kenwood TS-480 SAT panadapter interface - part 1 .
Then we have to take a USB CAT cable that connect the rig serial port to an usb port of out pc.
Search for a non chinese cable, for a cable that use the prolific PL2303 driver.
Once cable is connected and driver installed you will see under device manager of windows a ( new ) COM port as below. Take note of the assigned number, in this case 8 , COM8.

Connect also the SDR dongle as described in "part 1" and open sdr-console.
Add your SDR to the "Definitions", you will find how on the software manual or google, it is very simple.
Then under label "view" click "select" on the right side. Then flag "External radio".

And restart sdr-console as asked.
You will see on the left a new item:

 Click on the question mark, settings will appear, click Omnirig and configure it as below, changing the COM port accordingly with what you have seen in Windows device manager:

Click ok and configure other settings as below:

Click on the "Frequency" label on the left and configure the IF frequency, for TS-480 is 73.095Mhz.
Configure also the offsets, you see below values for the SDR dongle Nooelec Nano3 but I think you have to adjust them in the case you use another dongle.

Click OK.
In my case, under the label "Home" of the main window, AGC is ON and RF Gain is set to 14.4dB, not automatic. If I set more dB or auto mode I see a lot of artifacts and all will become useless.

Now you can see your waterfall plus/minus 100kHz the center frequency, where radio is tuned.
They are also synchronized, when you change frequency or mode on the radio, the same is changed also on sdr-console and vice versa.

Please comment below if there are corrections to be done or something is missed.